Monday, January 28, 2008


Welcome to Beyond the Bronx Beat! As a person who is obsessed with words and writing, I was excited when I got the opportunity to write a weekly column in the Fordham Ram, Fordham University's student-run weekly newspaper. However, as the industry rapidly undergoes fundamental changes, I decided to keep up and take the Bronx Beat off the page and into the realm of multi-media too.

As it is now, small non-for-profit papers as well as larger publications are tampering with multi-media work - and there is no standard yet established by either. Pictures can say things words cannot, and words can go into a depth that a picture is unable to portray. The use of both together enhances the telling of a story like text, no matter how long and extensive, cannot. This blog will include my weekly column, in addition to a slideshow (which may sometimes become an audio slideshow) and sidebars. Please leave comments about the stories and how they are presented, and stay tuned!

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